A Passion for Wildlife
346 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
66 b&w photographs
Release Date:01 Jul 2003
Release Date:04 Jan 2003
Release Date:01 Oct 2007

A Passion for Wildlife

The History of the Canadian Wildlife Service

UBC Press

A Passion for Wildlife chronicles the history of the Canadian Wildlife Service and the evolution of Canadian wildlife policy over its first half century. It presents the exploits and accomplishments of a group of men and women whose dedication to the ideals of science, conservation, and a shared vision of Canada as a country that treasures its natural heritage has earned them the respect of their profession around the world.

Drawing on interviews and anecdotes, personal correspondence, and the published record, the book addresses topics as varied as game law enforcement, field biology, habitat conservation, environmental education, toxicology, federal-provincial relations, and international diplomacy. Accessible to anyone interested in nature, it will appeal particularly to wildlife managers, scientists, naturalists, as well as students of biology, wildlife technology, and environmental studies.

Burnett’s institutional history of the CWS, ‘one of Canada’s most important and valuable cultural institutions,’ is timely, and useful for environmental historians and anyone interested in wildlife policy in Canada ... Despite the large amount of complex information the book needs to convey as the first history of the CWS, Burnett is to be commended for introducing readers to some of the committed individuals, professionals who worked for the service ‘who actually care about wildlife in Canada.’ Laurel Sefton MacDowell, University of Toronto Quarterly, Winter 2004/05
The Canadian Wildlife Service story is full of achievements, and peopled with scientists, biologists, government administrators, wildlife technicians, and field workers who have dedicated their lives – and their passions – to the better understanding and promotion of wildlife in Canada. Since its beginning in 1947, the Canadian Wildlife Service has provided the federal government with the kind of knowledge and science-based research that we have needed to protect our wildlife heritage. And it has enjoyed keen public interest. Indeed, there are few Canadians today, young or old, whose lives have not been touched in some way by the Canadian Wildlife Service. Janet Foster, from the foreword
J. Alexander Burnett is a naturalist and freelance writer who has contributed dozens of popular articles on natural history and wildlife conservation topics to national and regional newspapers and periodicals.

Foreword by Jane Foster


1 Exercising Dominion: The Genesis of Canadian Wildlife Conservation

1947-52: Setting the Wildlife Service Agenda

2 Enforcing the Migratory Birds Convention Act

1952-57: Staking Out the Territory

3 Working with Birds

1957-62: A Broader Mission

4 Working with Mammals

1962-67: Building a National Wildlife Program

5 Working with Fish

1967-72: Emergence of Environment Canada

6 Habitat Programs: Protecting Space for Wildlife

1972-77: Regionalization

7 Telling the Wildlife Story

1977-82: Consolidation

8 Wildlife Toxicology

1982-87: Building Partnerships

9 Endangered Species

1987-92: Going Green

10 Defining the Rules: Wildlife Governance

1992-97: The Challenges of Change

Epilogue: The Canadian Wildlife Service – A Work in Progress



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