Adela de la Torre
Showing 1-4 of 4 items.
Mexican Americans and Health
By Adela de la Torre and Antonio Estrada
The University of Arizona Press
By the middle of the twenty-first century, one out of every six Americans will be of Mexican descent; and as health care becomes of increasing concern to all Americans, the particular needs of Mexican Americans will have to be more thoroughly addressed.
Mexican Americans and Health explains how the health of Mexican-...
- Copyright year: 2001
Moving from the Margins
A Chicana Voice on Public Policy
The University of Arizona Press
Mexican Americans and Health
¡Sana! ¡Sana!
By Adela de la Torre and Antonio Estrada
The University of Arizona Press
Mexican Americans and Health, 2nd Edition provides new and updated information on health and health care topics regarding people of Mexican origin. New additions include analysis of emerging diseases and populations, current health-care events, and predictions for the next ten years. De la Torre and Estrada’s collaboration brings scholarship that is both cross-disciplinary and highly readable.
- Copyright year: 2015
Speaking from the Body
Latinas on Health and Culture
Edited by Angie Chabram and Adela de la Torre
The University of Arizona Press
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