Bruce B. Huckell
Showing 1-4 of 4 items.
Of Marshes and Maize
Preceramic Agricultural Settlement in the Cienega Valley, Southeastern Arizona
The University of Arizona Press
Murray Springs
A Clovis Site with Multiple Activity Areas in the San Pedro Valley, Arizona
Edited by C. Vance Haynes and Bruce B. Huckell
The University of Arizona Press
Clovis Caches
Recent Discoveries and New Research
Edited by Bruce B. Huckell and J. David Kilby
University of New Mexico Press
This collection of essays investigates caches of Clovis tools, many of which have only recently come to light. The studies comprising this volume treat methodological and theoretical issues including the recognition of Clovis caches, Clovis lithic technology, mobility, and land use.
- Copyright year: 2014
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