Claudia Thomas Kairoff
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
The World of Elizabeth Inchbald
Essays on Literature, Culture, and Theatre in the Long Eighteenth Century
Edited by Daniel J. Ennis and E. Joe Johnson
University of Delaware Press
This collection includes essays on the literary, theatrical and cultural conditions in Britain during the long eighteenth century, centered on the life, work, and world of the writer/actor Elizabeth Inchbald (1753–1821).
- Copyright year: 2022
Community and Solitude
New Essays on Johnson’s Circle
Edited by Anthony W Lee
Bucknell University Press
This collection explores relationships between Samual Johnson and several of his main contemporaries—James Boswell, Edmund Burke, Frances Burney, Robert Chambers, Oliver
Goldsmith, Bennet Langton, Arthur Murphy, Richard Savage, Anna Seward, and Thomas Warton—and analyzes some of the literary productions emanating from the pressures within
those relationships.
Goldsmith, Bennet Langton, Arthur Murphy, Richard Savage, Anna Seward, and Thomas Warton—and analyzes some of the literary productions emanating from the pressures within
those relationships.
- Copyright year: 2019
The Circuit of Apollo
Eighteenth-Century Women’s Tributes to Women
Edited by Laura Runge and Jessica Cook
University of Delaware Press
Written by a combination of established scholars and new critics in the field, the essays collected in Circuit of Apollo attest to the vital practice of commemorating women’s artistic and personal relationships. In doing so, they illuminate the complexity of female friendships and honor as well as the robust creativity and intellectual work contributed by women to culture in the long eighteenth century.
- Copyright year: 2019
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