Elvin Holt
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Acting Up and Getting Down
Plays by African American Texans
Edited by Sandra M. Mayo and Elvin Holt
University of Texas Press
A collection of seven compelling plays from award-winning Texas writers, spanning turning points in history, intergenerational struggles, and cultural triumphs while exploring the complexity of African American life from a dazzling array of perspectives.
- Copyright year: 2014
Stages of Struggle and Celebration
A Production History of Black Theatre in Texas
By Sandra M. Mayo and Elvin Holt
University of Texas Press
An essential historical overview of African American theatre organizations in Texas’s five major cities, from antebellum productions to the present, that chronicles the remarkable stories of visionary playwrights, actors, and producers who shaped a vibran
- Copyright year: 2015
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