Ethics and Aging
270 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 1988
Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Ethics and Aging

The Right to Live, the Right to Die

UBC Press

This book is an important and timely look at issues of ethics inaging. It reflects the complexity of these questions, but develops themin relation to a single general theme: that of the involvement of theelderly in the design of social policy and the research which affectsthem.

Moral problems involving the elderly are many-faceted. Accurateunderstanding and social response demand some integration ofexperience, sensibility, and knowledge provided by differentperspectives. Ethics and Aging incorporates viewpoints fromgerontology, philosophy, law, theology, sociology, psychology,medicine, nursing, and economics.

An interesting collection of essays that should appeal especially to those involved in the provision of care for aged people, or in the analysis of social policy, or in the development of ethical concepts which seem relevant in the modern hospital environment. Sidney Sax, Bioethics
It is a very useful aid for professionals in gerontology or in social work, for ethicists, ministers of religion, and for all who are connected with the formation of our perceptions on this most valuable and often most neglected segment of our society. Béla I. Somfai, Journal of Religious Gerontology
A richness of insights that only an interdisciplinary approach can give. Helga Kuhse, Bioethic News
James E. Thornton is the coordinator of the Committeeon Gerontology, at the University of British Columbia. Earl R.Winkler is an associate professor in the Department ofPhilosophy at the University of British Columbia.



1. Introduction to Principal Themes and Issues / Earl R. Winklerand James E. Thornton

Part One: General Perspectives

2. On Reaching a New Agenda: Self-Determination and Aging / JaneA. Boyajian

3. Ethics and Aging: Trends and Problems in the Clinical Setting /David Roy

4. Ethical Aspects of Aging: Justice, Freedom, and Responsibility /John C. Bennett

5. Paradigms of Aging: Growth versus Decline / James E. Birrenand Candace A. Stacey

6. Cognitive Intervention in Later Life: Philosophical Issues /David F. Hultsch and Jane H. McEwan

7. The Calculus of Discrimination: Discriminatory ResourceAllocation for an Aging Population / Eike-Henner W. Kluge

8. Population Aging and the Economy: Some Issues in ResourceAllocation / Frank T. Denton and Byron G. Spencer

Part Two: Specific Issues

9. The Right to Participate: Ending Discrimination Against theElderly / Donald J. MacDougall

10. Society and Essentials for Well-Being: Social Policy and theProvision of Care / Neena L. Chappell

11. Foregoing Treatment: Killing versus Letting Die, and the Issueof Non-Feeding / Earl R. Winkler

12. Foregoing Life-Sustaining Treatment: The Canadian Law ReformCommission and the President's Commission / AlisterBrowne

13. Proxy Consent for Research on the Incompetent Elderly /Barry F. Brown

14. Gerontology's Challenge from Its Research Population /Beverly Burnside

15. Civil Liberties and the Elderly Patient / Arthur Schafer 16.Narrative, Perspective, and Aging / C.G. Prado

Part Three

Bibliography / James E. Thornton, Anne D. Evans, MeganStuart-Stubbs, Gerry Bates

General Index

Index of Names

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