The Reminiscences of Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken
A unique account of the way social and economic conditions were actually felt and experienced in B.C. at the time of Confederation.
Overland from Canada to British Columbia
By Mr. Thomas McMicking of Queenston, Canada West
Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide
This bestseling guide helps readers interpret and enjoy the form and meaning of totem poles -- as ancestral emblems and ceremonial objects, as expressions of wealth and power, as mythological symbols and magnificent artistic works of the people of the Pacific Northwest.
As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows
A Reader in Canadian Native Studies
This collection of papers focuses on Canadian Native history since 1763 and presents an overview of official Canadian Indian policy and its effects on the Indian, Inuit, and Metis.
Haida Monumental Art
Villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands
Combining archeology and ethnohistory, this book presents an integrated framework for understanding the physical structure of a Haida village, through remarkable photographs, site plans and detailed descriptions of fifteen major villages
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Native Social and Economic Adaptations
A Narrow Vision
Duncan Campbell Scott and the Administration of Indian Affairs in Canada
In A Narrow Vision, Brian Titley chronicles the career of Confederation poets Duncan Campbell Scott in the Department of Indian Affairs between 1880 and 1932.
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 1
The Legacy
The two volumes comprising Indian Education in Canada present the first full-length discussion of this important subject since the adoption in 1972 of a new federal policy moving toward Indian control of Indian education.
Robes of Power
Totem Poles on Cloth
Not only the first major publication to focus on button blankets, but also the first oral history about them and their place in the culture of the Northwest Coast.