Polly Schaafsma

Polly Schaafsma is a research associate with the Museum of Indian Art and Culture in the Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Indian Rock Art of the Southwest

University of New Mexico Press

The comprehensive book on Indian petroglyphs in the Southwest.

  • Copyright year: 1986
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Landscapes of Origin in the Americas

Creation Narratives Linking Ancient Places and Present Communities

University of Alabama Press

Landscape is a powerful factor in the operation of memory because of the associations narrators make between the local landscape and the events of the stories they tell. Ancestors and mythological events often become fixed in a specific landscape and act as timeless reference points.In conventional anthropological literature, "landscape" is the term applied to the meaning local people bestow on their cultural and physical surroundings. In this work, the authors explore the cultural and physical landscapes an individual or cultural group has constructed to define the origins or beginnings of that cultural group as revealed through shared or traditional memory. The cultural landscapes of origins in diverse sites throughout the Americas are investigated through multidisciplinary research, not only to reveal the belief system and mythologies but also to place these origin beliefs in context and relationship to each other. In a continual interaction between the past, present, and future, time is subordinate to place, and history, as defined in Western academic terms, does not exist.

  • Copyright year: 2009
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New Perspectives on Pottery Mound Pueblo

Edited by Polly Schaafsma; Preface by Linda S. Cordell
University of New Mexico Press

Noted archaeologist Polly Schaafsma presents new research by current scholars on this largely neglected ancestral Puebloan site.

  • Copyright year: 2007
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