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Sustainable Production
272 pages, 6 x 9
15 b&w illustrations, 2 tables
Release Date:01 Jan 2007
Release Date:15 May 2006

Sustainable Production

Building Canadian Capacity

Edited by Glen Toner
UBC Press

The issues associated with sustainable production are among the mostimportant facing the world in the early 21st century. While most of thescholarship in this area has been produced in the United States andEurope, not much has been written from a Canadian perspective.Sustainable Production establishes a Canadian presence in thesustainable production debate by analyzing the opportunities andconstraints facing both the public and private sectors as Canadastrives to move public policy and industrial practice forward.

Sustainable production focuses on the systems by which industrialeconomies produce goods and services and the ways in which investmentand production decisions are influenced by public policy. One goal ofsustainable production is to dematerialize production –minimizing energy and material extraction and throughput per unit ofeconomic output. In its broader sense, sustainable production shouldsimultaneously improve environmental quality and social well-being.Sustainable production envisions an industrial system that wouldmaximize resource efficiency, minimize environmental impacts, andreplenish natural capital, while providing safe and satisfyingemployment opportunities.

Sustainable Production will be of interest to scholars andstudents in business, public policy, and engineering, to policy makers,and to practitioners in firms and industry associations.

Glen Toner is a professor in the School of PublicPolicy and Administration at Carleton University and a founding memberof the Carleton Research Unit in Innovation, Science and Environment.He is also a member of the panel of advisors to the Commissioner ofEnvironment and Sustainable Development.



1. New Century Ideas and Sustainable Production / Glen Toner andDavid V.J. Bell

Part 1: Sustainable Production and Its Context

2. From Eco-Efficiency to Eco-Effectiveness: Private SectorPractices for Sustainable Production / Bob Masterson

3. Policy Instruments and Sustainable Production: Toward Foresightwithout Foreclosure / Robert Paehlke

Part 2: The Knowledge-Based Economy, Social Capital, andProduct Design

4. Developing Sustainability in the Knowledge-Based Economy:Prospects and Potential / Keith Newton and John Besley

5. Sustainability, Social Capital, and the Canadian ICT Sector /David Wheeler, Kelly Thomson, and Michael A. Perkin

6. Innovation, Architecture, and the Changing Role of DesignProfessionals: Assessing the Ford Model U / Carey Frey

Part 3: External and Internal Drivers of SustainableProduction

7. Collaborative Public Policy for Sustainable Production: A BroadAgenda and a Modest Proposal / John Moffet, Stephanie Meyer, and JuliePezzack

8. Mobilizing Producers toward Environmental Sustainability: TheProspects for Market-Oriented Regulations / Mark Jaccard

9. Sustainable Production and the Financial Markers: Opportunitiesto Pursue and Barriers to Overcome / Blair W. Feltmate, Brian A.Schofield, and Ron Yachnin

10. Engaging Senior Management on Sustainability / KevinBrady


11. Whither Sustainable Production? Sustainable Enterprise and theRole of Government / David V.J. Bell and Glen Toner Index

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