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Warming Huts
140 pages, 11 x 11
Full colour throughout
Release Date:07 May 2021

Warming Huts

A Decade + Of Art and Architecture on Ice

Dalhousie Architectural Press

The Warming Huts are a public art and architecture installation held annually at mid-winter on the major rivers of Winnipeg, Canada. The huts are selected through an international design competition, and via the invitation of select designers or artists. This book, published to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the project, celebrates and discusses the annual project as a critical body of work foregrounding the poetics and politics of public space, while highlighting the variety of architectural narratives expressed in the Huts. A comparative analysis of the more than one thousand entries is included in the volume.

RELATED TOPICS: Architecture

Lawrence Bird, PhD, is an urban designer at Sputnik Architecture. Peter Hargraves is Principal of Sputnik Architecture. Sharon Wohl is an Assistant Professor at Iowa State University.

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