Adopting a Book for a Course

At UBC Press we recognize that due to the COVID-19 pandemic your job has changed and you are teaching online while working remotely. We’d like you know that our books are available digitally for you to review and adopt for your classes. Also, our ebooks are readily available for your students to purchase from our website. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make this transition easier. 

NEW: Download a simple guide to course adoptions during COVID-19.

1. Choose a book for your course

We have several resources to help you find the right book for your course.

Browse our catalogues
Search books by subject
Sign up to receive emails on new books in your subject area

Not finding what you’re looking for? We invite suggestions on future course books to suit the teaching needs of you and your colleagues. Please contact us.

2. Request an examination copy

Once you have found a title of interest for your course, if you would like to review the book more closely, please use our online order form to request a copy.

If you have already adopted one of our books for your upcoming course, and would like to request a desk copy, please see #4 below.

All examination copies are provided at the publisher’s discretion and may only be obtained by eligible course instructors who wish to assess a potential textbook before placing a course order.

3. Place a course order

To place a course order within Canada, please ask your campus bookstore to contact our distribution warehouse:

University of Toronto Press Distribution
p: 1-800-565-9523 or (416) 667-7791
f: 1-800-221-9985 or (416) 667-7832

To place an order outside of Canada, please see our ordering information. When ordering books through your university or college bookstore, please be sure to notify your bookstore four to six weeks in advance of the start of your course to ensure your books arrive in time. If your bookstore has contacted our distribution warehouse and the book you’ve selected for use in your course is not in stock, please advise your bookstore that they can contact us. We will work with your bookstore to get the books for your course.

4. Request a desk copy

If you have adopted a book as required reading for a course in the coming semester and your bookstore has ordered at least twenty copies, you may be eligible for a desk copy: desk copies are intended to help instructors and their teaching assistants plan the course. Please complete our online form.

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