Showing 11-13 of 13 items.

Ruth Hall and Other Writings by Fanny Fern

Edited by Joyce W. Warren
Rutgers University Press

Fanny Fern was one of the most popular American writers of the mid-nineteenth century, the first woman newspaper columnist in the United States, and the most highly paid newspaper writer of her day. This volume gathers together for the first time almost one hundred selections of her best work as a journalist. Writing on such taboo subjects as prostitution, venereal disease, divorce, and birth control, Fern stripped the façade of convention from some of society's most sacred institutions, targeting cant and hypocrisy, pretentiousness and pomp.

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How Celia Changed Her Mind and Selected Stories

Rose Terry Cooke

Rutgers University Press

This anthology of fiction by Rose Terry Cooke contains eleven stories, drawn together for the first time in one volume, that reflect the whole spectrum of Cooke's career from the 1850s to the 1890s. It restores to American literature the work of a writer highly admired in her own day and increasingly recognized today as an important figure in the development of realism, the evolution of regionalism as a literary form, and the emergence of women writers in nineteenth-century fiction.

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Quicksand and Passing

Rutgers University Press

Nella Larsen's novels Quicksand (1928) and Passing (1929) document the historical realities of Harlem in the 1920s and shed a bright light on the social world of the black bourgeoisie. The novels' greatest appeal and achievement, however, is not sociological, but psychological. As noted in the editor's comprehensive introduction, Larsen takes the theme of psychic dualism, so popular in Harlem Renaissance fiction, to a higher and more complex level, displaying a sophisticated understanding and penetrating analysis of black female psychology.

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