Archaeological Researches at Teotihuacan, Mexico
263 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4
Release Date:26 Mar 2003
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Archaeological Researches at Teotihuacan, Mexico

By Sigvald Linné; Foreword by Staffan Brunius; Introduction by George L. Cowgill
University of Alabama Press
The field data and archaeological analysis of the first controlled excavations of the vast "City of the Gods" in central Mexico
In 1932, the Ethnographical Museum of Sweden sent an archaeological expedition to Mexico under the direction of Sigvald Linné to determine the full extent of this ancient Teotihuacan occupation and to collect exhibit-quality artifacts. Of an estimated 2,000-plus residential compounds at Teotihuacan, only 20 apartment-like structures were excavated at the time. Yet Linné’s work revealed residential patterns that have been confirmed later in other locations.
Some of the curated objects from the Valley of Mexico and the adjacent state of Puebla are among the most rare and unique artifacts yet found. Another important aspect of this research was that, with the aid of the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Linné’s team conducted ethnographic interviews with remnant native Mexican peoples whose culture had not been entirely destroyed by the Conquest, thereby collecting and preserving valuable information for later research.
[With this work], Linné has made available a wealth of data on one of the New World's most significant archaeological sites and illuminated them with his searching and thoughtful comments and interpretations. . . . A must for all who are interested in America's high cultures.’
—American Antiquity
The lasting importance of both volumes is the clearly written descriptive data on the architecture, the artifacts, and their contexts. Both volumes are excellent additions to collections in Mesoamerican archaeology, including libraries that have the original editions, because of the new introductory sections.’
Sigvald Linné was professor of Ethnography at the University of Stockholm and Director of the Swedish National Museum of Ethnography until 1969. He published several books including, The Technique of South American Ceramics.
Staffan Brunius is Curator of the Americas at the National Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm.
George L. Cowgill is professor of Anthropology at Arizona State University and coeditor of The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations.
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