Barbara J. Roth

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Households on the Mimbres Horizon

Excavations at La Gila Encantada, Southwestern New Mexico

The University of Arizona Press

This book explores variability in Mimbres Mogollon pithouse sites using a case study from La Gila Encantada to further our understanding of the full range of pithouse occupations in the area. Because the site is away from the major river valleys, the data from excavations at the site provides valuable information on the differences in cultural practices that occurred away from the riverine villages, as well as environmental differences, economic practices, and social constructs.

  • Copyright year: 2023
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New Perspectives on Mimbres Archaeology

Three Millennia of Human Occupation in the North American Southwest

The University of Arizona Press

This book brings together experts on Mimbres archaeology to discuss our current understanding of the early occupation of the Mimbres region. Chapters highlight a variety of topics in their discussions of Mimbres society, including household and community organization, ritual, ideology, identity, and interaction.

  • Copyright year: 2018
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