Christmas Stories from Mississippi
208 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:03 Oct 2001
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Christmas Stories from Mississippi

Edited by Judy H. Tucker and Charline R. McCord; Illustrated by Wyatt Waters
University Press of Mississippi

How do you create Christmas spirit when the temperature refuses to dip below fifty degrees or when snow is a miracle that vanishes at sunrise?

Held together by bonds of family, soil, and history, Mississippians share a peculiar yuletide experience in the Deep South. To capture the state’s unique holiday glow, Christmas Stories from Mississippi packages writings by such greats as Eudora Welty, Willie Morris, Elizabeth Spencer, Clifton Taulbert, Barry Hannah, William Faulkner, and Ellen Gilchrist with the work of such rising stars as Edward Cohen, Carolyn Haines, and Caroline Langston.

Illustrated by one of Mississippi’s best-known artists, Wyatt Waters, these seventeen short stories and essays reveal the wonders and sorrows of Christmastime and the special poignancy of childhood memories. With Waters’s touch, the book makes the perfect gift for literary readers and anyone who relishes life in Mississippi.

Christmas Stories from Mississippi opens with Welty’s classic, “A Worn Path,” and closes with Morris’s personal reflection, “Christmases Gone, Revisited.” Between the writings of these two Mississippi literary giants are stories, memoirs, essays, and excerpts such as Spencer’s “Presents,” Gilchrist’s “Surviving the Holiday Season,” an excerpt from Faulkner’s Light in August, Hannah’s “Sermon with Meath,” and Taulbert’s “Quilts: Kiver for My Children.”

The many storytellers and many perspectives in Christmas Stories from Mississippi share southern experiences in which families create their own entertainment, relish and break traditions, and celebrate a season in ways no other region’s families can.

Judy H. Tucker (1939-2022) coedited (with Charline R. McCord) numerous books, including Coming Home to Mississippi, Growing Up in Mississippi, and Christmas Memories from Mississippi, all published by University Press of Mississippi. Charline R. McCord has coedited (with Judy H. Tucker) numerous books, including Coming Home to Mississippi, Growing Up in Mississippi, and Christmas Memories from Mississippi, all published by University Press of Mississippi. Wyatt Waters has illustrated numerous books featuring his watercolors, including Another Coat of Paint and Painting Home.

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