Elder Law in New Jersey
232 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Dec 1999
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Elder Law in New Jersey

Finding Solutions for Legal Problems

Rutgers University Press

In New Jersey, one in five residents is over the age of 65. The Garden State’s legal and healthcare systems are becoming increasingly complex, making it more difficult than ever for seniors to understand their rights and take advantage of available assistance and services.

Elder Law in New Jersey provides important, practical information to New Jersey residents, especially older adults who have become entangled in an incomprehensible web of healthcare and social security bureaucracies, younger adults who are caregivers to elderly parents, and middle-class citizens who fear the debilitating physical and financial effects of chronic illness. 

The legal problems most often encountered by seniors can involve frustrating losses of control over nearly all aspects of their lives. Attorney Alice Dueker, who specializes in elder law, explains complex legal issues in easily understood language. She looks at: 

· various ways to obtain and pay for healthcare, including nursing home care

· how to create a will

· how to address and avoid internal family disputes, including child custody, marriage, divorce, grandparent visitation rights, and elder abuse

· employment issues such as age and disability discrimination, as well as pensions

· problems of consumer fraud

· housing issues for both tenants and homeowners

She provides contact information for agencies and programs that provide free or low cost services for seniors, and resources for locating attorneys.

Elder law is state specific, so New Jersey residents will find this book especially helpful and applicable to their own lives.

Alice K. Dueker is an attorney and the director of clinical programs at the Rutgers University School of Law-Camden, where she supervises the Civil Practice Clinic’s Elder Law Project.

Sect. I. Benefits
Ch. 1. Social Security
Ch. 2. Medicare and Medicaid
Ch. 3. Health and Medical Programs in New Jersey
Sect. II. Health Care
Ch. 4. Health Care, Health Insurance, and HMOs
Ch. 5. Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care
Sect. III. Personal Decision Making
Ch. 6. Wills
Ch. 7. Powers of Attorney and Alternative Financial Arrangements
Ch. 8. Advance Directives
Ch. 9. Guardianship and Conservatorship
Sect. IV. Family Concerns
Ch. 10. Grandparent Visitation and Custody
Ch. 11. Divorce and Remarriage
Ch. 12. Abuse of the Elderly
Sect. V. Employment, Discrimination, and Pensions
Ch. 13. Employment and Discrimination
Ch. 14. Pensions
Sect. VI. Consumer Issues and Fraud
Ch. 15. Home Repair Contracts and the Consumer Fraud Act
Ch. 16. Consumer Purchases and Common Consumer Fraud Schemes
Sect. VII. Housing: Finding It, Keeping It, and Maintaining It
Ch. 17. Home Ownership
Ch. 18. Tenant Issues
Ch. 19. Alternative Housing Arrangements
App. A. County Offices on Aging
App. B. Finding Legal Help
App. C. Social Security Administration Offices
App. D. County Surrogate Offices
App. E. Victim Assistance
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