M-C. Newbould

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey

A Legacy to the World

Bucknell University Press

Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy continues to be as widely read and admired as upon its first appearance. Deemed more accessible than Sterne’s Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, and often assigned as a college text, A Sentimental Journey has received its share of critical attention, but—unlike Tristram Shandy—to date it has not been the subject of a dedicated anthology of critical essays. This volume fills that much-needed gap with fresh perspectives on Sterne’s novel that will appeal to students and critics alike. Together with an introduction that situates each essay within A Sentimental Journey’s reception history, and a tailpiece detailing the culmination of Sterne’s career and his death, this volume presents a cohesive approach to this significant text that is simultaneously grounded and revelatory.

  • Copyright year: 2021
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Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey

A Legacy to the World

Bucknell University Press

Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy continues to be as widely read and admired as upon its first appearance. Deemed more accessible than Sterne’s Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, and often assigned as a college text, A Sentimental Journey has received its share of critical attention, but—unlike Tristram Shandy—to date it has not been the subject of a dedicated anthology of critical essays. This volume fills that much-needed gap with fresh perspectives on Sterne’s novel that will appeal to students and critics alike. Together with an introduction that situates each essay within A Sentimental Journey’s reception history, and a tailpiece detailing the culmination of Sterne’s career and his death, this volume presents a cohesive approach to this significant text that is simultaneously grounded and revelatory.

  • Copyright year: 2021
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Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 28)

Bucknell University Press

1650–1850 combines fresh considerations of prominent authors and artists with searches for overlooked or offbeat elements of the Enlightenment legacy. Packed with essays by prominent as well as upcoming scholars, volume 28 delivers two innovative special features: one venturing around the delightfully futuristic world of adaptation and digitization, with special emphasis on the legacy of Laurence Sterne, and one probing the elusively entertaining, energetically enigmatic legacy of philosopher-poet Bernard Mandeville. Enlivening the volume is a cavalcade of full-length book reviews.

  • Copyright year: 2023
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