Paths Along The Hudson
448 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Nov 1999
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Paths Along The Hudson

A Guide to Walking and Biking

Rutgers University Press

Whether you are an ardent hiker or prefer to enjoy the great outdoors from your living-room armchair, Jeffrey Perls has written the essential guidebook on one of the most majestic natural areas of the eastern United States-the Hudson River.

From the rugged topography of the Hudson Highlands Gorge to the crowded towers of Manhattan, the Hudson has been an inspiration for poets, writers, artists, and countless others who have enjoyed the many wonders of the river. The area surrounding the Hudson abounds in history. It’s played a pivotal part in our country's development, from its strategic role in the American Revolution to its heritage as the nation’s primary entry point for immigrants to this country. The river also supports an incredibly rich diversity of flora and fauna, from the bald eagle to the short-nosed sturgeon.

Perls brings together the culture, history, nature, and recreational activities along the Hudson River in one convenient guide book. He not only maps out walks and bike trails, both urban and rural, but also introduces readers to the landscape, geology, history, and culture of the Hudson Valley region. Perls provides a practical and geographically comprehensive guide to exploring the area on foot and by bike. The trail routes bring readers as close to the river as possible and guides them to rewarding vistas, nature preserves, and historic landmarks. It’s a useful guide for visitors to the Hudson region and local residents as it acquaints them to the natural treasures to be found in their own backyards.

Paths Along the Hudson is at once a hiking guide that details the salient features encountered along the way, and a Baedeker to the geography, geology, history and ecology of the Hudson, as seen from the paths that trace two shores. ItÆs the kind of book that you can peruse in your den prior to hitting the trail or stow in your backpack as a resource to be consulted as you wind your way north. Also, if youÆve never hiked seriously before, PerlsÆ book contains several excellent introductory sections to the gear, footwear and clothing necessary for enjoyable trekking. Star-Ledger
Paths Along the Hudson is liberally sprinkled with understandable maps and has a useful index. The bibliography suggests sufficient reading to keep couch hikers satisfied for the next decade. Half Moon Press
Besides explaining the how and where of walking and biking along the Hudson River, this clearly written book includes information about the topographyclimate and even environmental issues of the river. . . . The author covers the waterfront, as it were, giving pointers about everything from insect repellent to backpacks. Highly recommended.' Times Herald Record
The book focuses on the 150-mile section of the river from New York Harbor north to Albany. [Perls] maps out walks and bike trails, both urban and rural, and includes a section on how to prepare for walking or biking workouts. The book also deals with such pitfalls as sunburn or frostbite, insects, rabies, poison ivy, venomous snakes, and even getting lost. Riverdale Press
JEFFREY PERLS is a freelance writer and a member of the Hudson Valley Writer's Association.
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