Shadowed Ground
408 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Mar 2003
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Shadowed Ground

America’s Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy

University of Texas Press

Winner, John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize, Association of American Geographers, 1997

Shadowed Ground explores how and why Americans have memorialized—or not—the sites of tragic and violent events spanning three centuries of history and every region of the country. For this revised edition, Kenneth Foote has written a new concluding chapter that looks at the evolving responses to recent acts of violence and terror, including the destruction of the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine High School massacre, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

[Shadowed Ground] is a fundamental and enjoyable piece of work, that foregrounds the basic ideas in understanding these relationships. Too often it seems so obvious that rich meaning can be deducted from the physical landscape around us (or our relationship to it), so much so, that these reflections can often be overlooked, yet Foote describes these interpretations and ideas clearly. Kitty Taylor (Geography Blog)
Kenneth E. Foote is Professor and Chair of Geography at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he directs the Center for Geographic Education.
  • A Landscape of Violence and Tragedy
  • The Veneration of Heroes and Martyrs
  • Community and Catharsis
  • Heroic Lessons
  • Innocent Places
  • The Mark of Shame
  • The Land-Shape of Memory ancl Tradition
  • Stigmata of National Identity
  • Invisible and Shadowed Pasts
  • Afterword
  • Notes
  • Index
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