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Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy

Rutgers University Press

Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy fills a longtime gap in higher education literature that has excluded Indigenous women scholar voices. The essays cover diverse topics such as acknowledging ancestors and grandparents in one’s mothering, how historical trauma and violence plague the past, how culture and place impact mothering, how academia impacts mothering, how mothering impacts scholarship, and how to negotiate loss and other complexities between motherhood and one’s role in the academy.

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Indian Spectacle

College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America

Rutgers University Press

Indian Spectacle explores the ways in which white, middle-class Americans have consumed narratives of masculinity, race, and collegiate athletics through the lens of Indian-themed athletic identities, mascots, and music. Drawing on a cross-section of American institutions of higher education, Guiliano investigates the role of sports mascots in the big business of twentieth-century American college football in order to connect mascotry to expressions of community identity, individual belonging, stereotyped imagery, and cultural hegemony.  

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Indian Voices

Listening to Native Americans

Rutgers University Press

Indian Voices, Alison Owings's most recent oral history, documents what Native Americans say about themselves, their daily lives, and the world around them. Through interviews many express their thoughts about the sometimes staggeringly ignorant, if often well-meaning, non-Natives they encounter-some who do not realize Native Americans still exist, much less that they speak English, have cell phones, use the Internet, and might attend powwows and power lunches. An inspiring and important contribution about the original Americans that will make every reader rethink the past-and present-of the United States.

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