The Fourth World of the Hopis
pages, 6 x 9
20 drawings, 1 map
Release Date:01 Oct 1987

The Fourth World of the Hopis

The Epic Story of the Hopi Indians as Preserved in Their Legends and Traditions

University of New Mexico Press

Here the noted folklorist brings together traditional accounts of epic events and adventures in the life of Hopi clans and villages, from legendary to historical times. The setting of these various adventures and events is not the Southwest as we know it today, but a vast and largely unpeopled wilderness in which clans and families wandered in search of a final living place, and in search of their collective identity. Notes, a pronunciation guide, and a glossary enhance the reader's appreciation of the text.

Harold Courlander (1908-1996) was the author of The Fourth World of the Hopi, also available from UNM Press, and many other books.

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