Showing 1-10 of 38 items.

Under the White Gaze

Solving the Problem of Race and Representation in Canadian Journalism

UBC Press, Purich Books

Blending research with a reporter’s journey through the industry, Under the White Gaze takes a pointed look at how people of colour are routinely missing, marginalized, or misrepresented in Canadian journalism, and explores what can be done to make our media more inclusive.

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Geographies of the Heart

Stories from Newcomers to Canada

UBC Press, Purich Books

In Geographies of the Heart, eighteen newcomers to Canada share their journeys, reveal the conditions that necessitated them leaving their homes, and challenge assumptions about newcomers’ lives in Canada.

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Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers

Gender Inequality in the Canadian Academy

UBC Press

Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers amasses vital, data-driven research that both corroborates enduring accounts of inequality for women academics and offers pathways toward substantive policy change.

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Fighting Feelings

Lessons in Gendered Racism and Queer Life

UBC Press

Fighting Feelings investigates the lived experiences of women of colour to reveal the complex ways that white supremacy is felt, endured, and navigated.

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Reckoning with Racism

Police, Judges, and the RDS Case

UBC Press

Reckoning with Racism is a riveting account of Canada’s most momentous race case, which drew in the country’s first Black female judge and spotlighted racist police practices.

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Queen of the Maple Leaf

Beauty Contests and Settler Femininity

UBC Press

Queen of the Maple Leaf reveals the role of beauty pageants in entrenching settler femininity and white heteropatriarchy at the heart of twentieth-century Canada.

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Invested Indifference

How Violence Persists in Settler Colonial Society

UBC Press

Invested Indifference exposes the tenacity of violence against Indigenous people, arguing that some lives are made to matter – or not – depending on their relation to the settler-colonial nation state.

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He Thinks He's Down

White Appropriations of Black Masculinities in the Civil Rights Era

UBC Press

Offering fresh insights and raising important questions, this historical exploration of appropriation traces the ways in which gender and race were negotiated through the popular culture of the Civil Rights Era.

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King Alpha’s Song in a Strange Land

The Roots and Routes of Canadian Reggae

UBC Press

This insider look at the forces that came together to make Canada’s reggae scene reaffirms the power of music to combat racism and build bridges between communities and cultures.

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Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights

UBC Press

A unique contribution to the literature on minority rights, Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights examines the role of cultural difference in minority rights claims, building a case for inclusive political deliberation in liberal democracies.

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