A Coast of Scenic Wonders
229 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
166 color plates, 25 halftones
Release Date:24 Jan 2020

A Coast of Scenic Wonders

Coastal Geology and Ecology of the Outer Coast of Oregon and Washington and the Strait of Juan de Fuca

University of Alaska Press, Pandion Books
This book will help you explore origins of the coastal features such as wave-cut rocks cliffs, sea stacks, wave cut rock platforms, and the amazing array of beaches, deltas, and tidal flats. It explains the processes that create the diverse coastal landforms that have enthralled both residents and visitors from around the world, including glaciers, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Two coastal geologists, who have over five decades of experience conducting scientific research on the Pacific Northwest Coast, tell their story of discovery and fascination with the Outer Coast of Oregon and Washington through richly illustrated original diagrams, photographs, satellite imagery, and engaging conversation. They have distilled the extensive scientific literature for this complex area into clear, readable text and graphics that explain the geological history of the coast, first in general, and then later through detailed discussion of the geology and ecology of four coastal compartments starting at the border in Southern Oregon, ending at the east end of Dungeness Spit on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington. Every coastal resident and visitor should have a copy of this book. It will help you discover new places to visit and to see familiar places with new insights and appreciation.
Miles O. Hayes is chairman of the Board of Research Planning Inc. (RPI), a science technology company located in Columbia, South Carolina. He has spent fifty years as a coastal geomorphologist and sedimentologist.
Jacqueline Michel is president of RPI and is an internationally recognized expert in oil and hazardous materials spill response and assessment.
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