Studies in Canadian Military History

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Series Editor: Tim Cook

The Studies in Canadian Military History Series, published in association with the Canadian War Museum, presents the best of contemporary scholarship to provide new insights into all aspects of Canadian military history, from earliest times to recent events. The work of a new generation of scholars is especially encouraged and the books employ a variety of approaches - cultural, social, intellectual, economic, political, and comparative - to investigate gaps in the existing historiography. The books in the series feed immediately into future exhibitions, programs, and outreach efforts by the Canadian War Museum

Showing 1-15 of 63 items.

Watching the Bear

Canadian Intelligence Assessments of the Soviet Threat to North America, 1946–1964

UBC Press

Watching the Bear draws on recently declassified documents to offer a wholly new perspective on Canada’s policies for the defence of North America in the decades following the Second World War.

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Canada and the Korean War

Histories and Legacies of a Cold War Conflict

Edited by Andrew Burtch and Tim Cook
UBC Press

Canada and the Korean War synthesizes Canadian and global perspectives on a watershed conflict to explore its profound influence on international, diplomatic, and military history, public memory, and contemporary affairs.

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Boosters and Barkers

Financing Canada’s Involvement in the First World War

UBC Press

“Back him up! Buy Victory Bonds.” Boosters and Barkers examines the unrelenting financial demands of Canadian participation in the First World War, exploring the aims, methods, and implications of securing public support.

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Silent Partners

The Origins and Influence of Canada’s Military-Industrial Complex

UBC Press

Silent Partners delves into the shadowy world of security and national defence to shine a light on the influence they hold in Canadian society.

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Scandalous Conduct

Canadian Officer Courts Martial, 1914–45

UBC Press

Scandalous Conduct investigates the complex meanings of honour and dishonour as revealed by general courts martial and dismissal sentences in the Canadian officer corps during the First and Second World Wars.

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Building the Army’s Backbone

Canadian Non-Commissioned Officers in the Second World War

UBC Press

Building the Army’s Backbone reveals how the creation of Canada’s Second World War corps of non-commissioned officers helped the force train, fight, and win.

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Portraits of Battle

Courage, Grief, and Strength in Canada's Great War

UBC Press

Portraits of Battle combines biography and history to offer a nuanced perspective on the complex legacy of the Great War, as told through the stories of those who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

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An Army of Never-Ending Strength

Reinforcing the Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944–45

UBC Press

This detailed analysis of how the Canadian Army sustained troop and equipment levels in Northwest Europe during 1944–45 demonstrates the vital importance of constant combat strength.

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Canada 1919

A Nation Shaped by War

UBC Press

With compelling insight, Canada 1919 exposes the ways in which the First World War shaped and changed Canada – and the ways it did not.

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Military Veterans, Trauma, and Research-Based Theatre

UBC Press

This important book explores an arts-based therapeutic approach to mental health care, bringing to light the journeys of contemporary military veterans as they adjust to civilian life post-deployment.

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War Junk

Munitions Disposal and Postwar Reconstruction in Canada

UBC Press

War Junk recounts the surprising history of leftover military munitions and supplies, revealing their complex political, economic, social, and environmental legacies in postwar Canada.

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Making the Best of It

Women and Girls of Canada and Newfoundland during the Second World War

UBC Press

Making the Best of It examines the ways in which gender and other identities intersected to shape the experiences of female Canadians and Newfoundlanders during the Second World War.

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Canada's Mechanized Infantry

The Evolution of a Combat Arm, 1920–2012

UBC Press

Canada’s Mechanized Infantry examines the challenges facing the Canadian Army as it transformed its infantry from First World War foot soldiers to a twenty-first–century combat force integrating soldiers, vehicles, weapons, and electronics.

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For Home and Empire

Voluntary Mobilization in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand during the First World War

UBC Press

For Home and Empire compares home-front mobilization during the First World War in three British dominions, using a settler colonial framework to show that voluntary efforts strengthened communal bonds while reinforcing class, race, and gender boundaries.

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Capturing Hill 70

Canada’s Forgotten Battle of the First World War

UBC Press

This richly illustrated book offers a multifaceted account of one of the most successful but overlooked Canadian battles of the First World War.

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