A Zuni Life
153 pages, 5 1/4 x 8
15 halftones, 1 illustration, 2 maps
Release Date:01 Feb 1998
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A Zuni Life

A Pueblo Indian in Two Worlds

University of New Mexico Press

Here Virgil Wyaco, a Zuni Indian elder and leader, recounts his life in both the traditional Zuni and modern Anglo worlds. As a boy, Wyaco learned Zuni ways from his family and the English language and vocational skills in Anglo schools. Earning a Bronze Star during World War II, he killed German soldiers in combat and participated in the executions of SS guards at Dachau. His postwar career included studies at the University of New Mexico, federal employment, marriage to a Cherokee woman, and family life in the suburbs. Later, Wyaco returned to Zuni as postmaster and married a traditional Zuni woman. His election to the Zuni tribal council in 1970 quickly established him as an influential leader. His varied career demonstrates the heartbreaks and rewards of a Native American life bridging two cultures.

Virgil Wyaco is a retired postmaster in Zuni, New Mexico.

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