Advanced Myofascial Techniques: Volume 2
240 pages, 9 21/25 x 9 19/25
Release Date:07 Apr 2016

Advanced Myofascial Techniques: Volume 2

Neck, Head, Spine and Ribs

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing

Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Volume 2 is the second of two beautiful, information-packed guides to highly effective manual therapy techniques. Focusing on conditions of the neck, head, spine and ribs Volume 2 provides a variety of tools for addressing some of the most commonly encountered complaints.

With clear step-by-step instructions and spectacular illustrations, each volume is a valuable collection of hands-on approaches for restoring function, refining proprioception, and decreasing pain.

Til Luchau delights in combining the technical and the beautiful in his manual therapy articles, which have appeared in magazines and professional journals around the world. A Certified Advanced Rolfer® and former Faculty Coordinator of the Rolf Institute’s Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program, where in the early 1990's he originated Skillful Touch Bodywork (the Rolf Institute’s own training and practice modality), his company ( offers in-person and at-a-distance professional continuing education. Originally trained as a psychotherapist, Til’s ability to connect interdisciplinary, big-picture ideas to practical, real-world applications has made his trainings popular worldwide.

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