American Public Administration
312 pages, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2
Release Date:30 Sep 1975
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American Public Administration

Past, Present, Future

University of Alabama Press
A seminal collection of essays, addressing such questions as the evolving roles of civil servants, the education and training of civil servants, and the ways to balance civil servants’ expertise with respect for democratic governance

This collection of essays highlights the “peculiarly American” issues of public administration ranging from 1870 to 1974, when they were first published. Every contributor was assigned a period of American history and given the opportunity to write on what he or she deemed the most important or relevant concern of that period. This method, employed for this book and the connected National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration conference, resulted in a wide-reaching, if eclectic, collection. Supplanted by Mosher’s impressive summarization of the field throughout the years, the book still holds prominence as a source for scholars, workers, and students alike in public administration.

The essays raise such issues as the education of civil servants, the changes necessitated by crises, the growth of social sciences in governmental concerns, and primarily, the role of public administrators in America. Each author is a distinguished expert in his own right, and each essay can stand alone as a remarkable insight into the changing world of public administration within American society. Frederick Mosher’s expertise and supervision shapes this work into a remarkable and holistic perspective on public administration over time.
Frederick Camp “Fritz” Mosher was a professor of government and foreign affairs at the University of Virginia. He was the author of Democracy and the Public Service and editor-in-chief of Public Administration Review (1951–1954). He served with the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Public Administration Clearing House, and the Los Angeles Department of Civil Service early in his career.
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