198 pages, 6 x 9
15 b&w photos
Release Date:01 Jul 2001
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Letters of Friendship and Exile

University of Texas Press

This collection of letters chronicles a remarkable, long-term friendship between two women who, despite differences of religion and ethnicity, have followed remarkably parallel paths from their first adolescent meeting in their native Chile to their current lives in exile as writers, academics, and political activists in the United States. Spanning more than thirty years (1966-2000), Agosín's and Sepúlveda's letters speak eloquently on themes that are at once personal and political—family life and patriarchy, women's roles, the loneliness of being a religious or cultural outsider, political turmoil in Chile, and the experience of exile.

Marjorie Agosín is a poet and Professor of Spanish at Wellesley College. Emma Sepúlveda is Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Nevada, Reno.

  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: An Open Letter To Our Readers
  • Amigas
  • Epilogue
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