Archaeological Explorations in Caves of the Point of Pines Region, Arizona
232 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
Release Date:01 Oct 2015
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Archaeological Explorations in Caves of the Point of Pines Region, Arizona

The University of Arizona Press
The Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona is a peer-reviewed monograph series sponsored by the School of Anthropology. Established in 1959, the series publishes archaeological and ethnographic papers that use contemporary method and theory to investigate problems of anthropological importance in the southwestern United States, Mexico, and related areas.
The volume contains a wealth of ceramic type-variety descriptive and interpretive data, as well as an excellent descriptive treatment of the ethnobotanical remains, and solid coverage of the lithic, faunal, and other classes of artifactual materials. The quality of illustrative material is excellent, including outstanding field and artifact photography and carefully prepared charts and line drawings.' —American Antiquity
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