Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss
184 pages, 5 1/4 x 8 1/2
Release Date:14 Jun 2006
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Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss

A Guide to Prevention and Care

Rutgers University Press

In Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss, audiologist John Burkey shows readers how they can continue to enjoy youthful living, regardless of whether their hearing abilities are undiminished or severely compromised. In a reassuring and straightforward style, Burkey explains the typical causes of hearing loss, from genetic factors to years of exposure to loud noises, and demystifies the sometimes confusing results of a hearing test. Fortunately, new technologies and advances in medicine have made it easier to detect signs of initial hearing loss and to prevent it from becoming a serious problem.

For those who have already sustained some damage, the author suggests ways to manage daily activities by using a range of techniques, equipment, and medical procedures. His suggestions include minor changes, such as using a vibrating alarm clock rather than one that is sound-based. More dramatic but often highly effective options, including reconstructive surgery, cochlear implants, and bone-anchored hearing aids, are also described. 

In his previous award-winning book, Overcoming Hearing Aid Fears: The Road to Better Hearing, Burkey addressed common fears, concerns, and misconceptions that people have about choosing and using hearing aids. In this second indispensable volume, he offers a comprehensive guide on how to cope with and prevent hearing impairment. For a generation that refuses to slow down or quietly accept limitations, this book is essential reading.

[This book] is packed full of practical, well-researched information that's useful to anyone who has or is at risk for hearing loss. Highly recommended! Flash Gordon,M.D., Founder, Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers (H.E.A.R.)
JOHN M. BURKEY is the director of audiology at the Lippy Group for Ear, Nose & Throat in Warren, Ohio. He is author of Overcoming Hearing Aid Fears: The Road to Better Hearing (Rutgers University Press), which was recognized by Library Journal as a Best Consumer Health Book.
List of Illustrations
1. What's the Big Deal about Hearing Loss?
2. Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss
3. How the Ear Works
4. Causes and Treatments for Hearing Loss
5. Hearing Aid Basics
6. Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Hearing Aids
7. Non-Hearing Aid Solutions
8. New and Future Options
9. The Issues That Remain
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