Birds of the Trans-Pecos
216 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
33 color photos, 14 b&w illus., 2 b&w maps
Release Date:01 Dec 1998
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Birds of the Trans-Pecos

By Jim Peterson and Barry R. Zimmer; Introduction by Victor Emanuel; Illustrated by Gail Diane Yovanovich
University of Texas Press

The Trans-Pecos, that huge region of Texas west of the Pecos River, is richer in recorded bird species than all but three of the United States. Hundreds of birders come here each year in search of species such as the Colima Warbler which are rarely if ever spotted in other parts of the country. Yet, until now, there was no comprehensive birding guide devoted to the entire region.

Designed for intermediate to advanced birders, Birds of the Trans-Pecos provides an annotated checklist of all 482 species found in the region. The species accounts include seasonal distribution, documentation of nesting, most likely habitat, and the bird's status as a "Texas Review Species." The authors also describe the geography and bird habitats of the Trans-Pecos; federal and state parklands in the area (including Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountains), with the species that occur in each; and the mountain-breeding birds and species of special interest.

Birders have shown that they want and need regional avian distribution books such as this one. This book will fill a gap in the effort to accomplish this sort of regional guide for all areas of Texas. The Trans-Pecos is a popular destination for birders-making this ever more important. Greg W. Lasley, Editor, Texas Region, Field Notes

Formerly Curator of Ornithology at the Dallas Museum of Natural History, where he led birdwatching tours throughout Central and South America, Jim Peterson is now Director of Technology at the Episcopal School of Dallas. Barry R. Zimmer, of El Paso, is a tour guide and naturalist for Victor Emanuel Nature Tours.

  • List of Illustrations and Tables
  • Foreword by Victor Emanuel
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Book
  • The Trans-Pecos
    • The Geography
    • The Nesting Birds of the Trans-Pecos Mountains
    • The Parks, Reservoirs, and Recreational Lakes
    • The Human Element
  • The Trans-Pecos Birds
    • An Annotated List of Species
    • The Seasonal Distribution of Trans-Pecos Birds
    • Species of Special Interest
  • Bibliography
  • Index
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