468 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:31 Dec 2020
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Biyaheng Pinoy

A Mindanao Travelogue

Ateneo De Manila, Ateneo De Manila Univ Press

Biyaheng Pinoy: A Mindanao Travelogue is one of the most significant Mindanao travelogues written in recent times. It chronicles the author’s extensively varied travels across Mindanao while documenting highlights of his sojourns in thirty-six well-written essays. He wrote of the places of great interest to him, indigenous people he encountered, events he witnessed as he journeyed, people he got to know, and the varieties of ingredients and ways of cooking foods distinctive to those places. This book is a journey of a mind actively at work in doing baseline cultural research and reflecting the author’s work; such a design for a book is virtually a kind of intellectual biography.

Edilberto N. Alegre was born in Naujan, Mindoro, but grew up in Victoria, Tarlac. His childhood

in his grandfather’s hometown residence was enriched by a neighborhood of Ilocano, Tagalog, and Pampangueño settlers who must have stirred what would later become his passion and search for the native and indigenous from Luzon to Visayas, Mindanao, and in his foreign sojourns. He obtained his MA in Comparative Literature from the University of the Philippines and PhD in Japanese Language and Literature from Kyoto University in Japan.

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