Border Healing Woman
170 pages, 5 7/8 x 9
Release Date:01 Aug 1994

Border Healing Woman

The Story of Jewel Babb as told to Pat LittleDog (second edition)

University of Texas Press

The story of Jewel Babb, from her early years as a tenderfoot ranch wife to her elder years as a desert healing woman, has enthralled readers since Border Healing Woman was first published in 1981. In this second edition, Pat LittleDog adds an epilogue to conclude the story, describing the mixed blessings that publicity brought to Jewel Babb before her death in 1991.

This dry, harsh, spiny but heart-pulling country [of West Texas] is as much a part of this book as is Jewel Babb's non-conformist life. It gets off the highways . . . It is a strange and strong book about a strange and strong life. Houston Post
The authentic voice of Mrs. Babb comes through on all the pages. . . . The book is a pleasure to read, not only for its evidence of little understood healing but because it gives a wonderful picture of life lived close to the bone. Cattleman

Jewel W. Babb (1900–1991) lived and worked along the Texas–Mexican border.

Pat LittleDog is a Texas writer.

  • Preface
  • 1. First Visit to the Tie Camp
  • 2. Early Childhood
  • 3. Healing with the Mind
  • 4. A Ranch Marriage
  • 5. The Trappers
  • 6. Changing Circumstances
  • 7. The Hot Springs
  • 8. Alone on the Rio Grande
  • 9. Desert Years
  • 10. Afterword
  • Epilogue. Jewel Babb: Her Legacy
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
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