232 pages, 8 1/2 x 10 9/10
Release Date:01 May 2006
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Evolution of a City, Revised Edition

University Press of Colorado
Boulder: Evolution of a City has captivated newcomers, tourists, and longtime residents for years with its dramatic visual and narrative presentation of the birth and development of Boulder. In this updated edition, 322 photographs - more than 90 of them current - capture landmarks, buildings, major events, and quiet moments from the 1860s to 2006. Photographs showing the same locations at several intervals in history reveal Boulder's continuum from past to present.

Pettem devotes the first chapter to an introduction of the early photographers whose work appears throughout the book. Moving outward from the central business district as development did, each subsequent chapter focuses on a particular area in Boulder, with an introductory essay followed by historic and contemporary photographs with detailed captions.

A comprehensive, chronological, architectural perspective of Boulder, including photography worthy of inclusion in university history classes. . . . the softbound book presents a meaningful overview of how Boulder has grown. . . . Boulder: Evolution of a City is as gripping a page-turner as anything you'll find on the mystery shelves. For leisure readers or for history buffs, Pettem's work is genuine, relevant and absorbing.'
Boulder Daily Camera
A magical time machine that leads us on a tour of bustling Boulder, Colorado, and then whisks us back in time to wander the same streets again when they were new and the West was young. . . . An enchanting journey the reader will want to take again and again.'
—Lois Anderton, retired, Carnegie Branch Library for Local History, Boulder, Colorado
Photographer and historian Silvia Pettem's book, Boulder: Evolution of a City, offers an interesting look at Boulder as it was in its early days, how it's changed over the years, and how it hasn't. . . . Each photograph, whether it be old or new, is accompanied by thoughtful and detailed descriptions that provide context to the images.'
Five Magazine
Silvia Pettem is the author of numerous books, booklets, and articles on various aspects of Colorado history. A longtime resident of Boulder, she now resides with her husband and two daughters in Longmont
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