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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Canadian Foreign Policy and the Law of Sea

UBC Press

Since the 1960s, there have been intensive internationalnegotiations to revise the law of the sea. These discussions culminatedin the convening of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law ofthe Sea in December 1973 and in four additional sessions up toSeptember 1976. Whether the almost 150 participating states will beable to reach an accord in 1977 or later on, the myriad issues on theiragenda is still uncertain.

Two major issues have been the extension of coastal-statejurisdiction over resources and activities and the estblishment of aninternational regime to govern the exploitation of the deep seabed.

Canada's most significant role has been that of a leader of the"coastal-state grouping," which has sought to expandstates' jurisdiction over fisheries, seabed resources, scientificresearch, and pollution control within a 200-mile economic zone andsometimes beyond. A number of these Canadian policy goals have alreadybeen accepted by a large majority of the participants in theconference.

In this role, Canada has found itsself opposed to many of itstraditional allies among the developed nations with large fleetsengaged in commerce in distant waters, and concerned about thetraditional freedom of the high seas, and has aligned itself with thecoastal developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

The seven essays in this volume examine the development of Canadianpolicies on the major law of the sea issues and the outcome of thenegotiations on them. In so doing, the studies have analysedCanada's dramatic seward expansion and involvement in one of tehmost important United Nations Conferences.

Barbara Johnson is a Post-doctoral Fellow at theInstitute of International Relations, University of British Columbia.Mark W. Zacher is Director of the Institute ofInternational Relations, University of British Columbia.





1. Canadian Foreign Policy and the Exploitation of the Seabed /Barry G. Buzan and Danford W. Middlemiss

2. Canadian Foreign Policy and Fisheries / BarbaraJohnson

3. Canadian Foreign Policy and the Control of Maritime Pollution /R. Michael M'Gonigle and Mark W. Zacher

4. Canadian Foreign Policy and International Straits /Roger D. McConchie and Robert S. Reid

5. Canadian Foreign Policy and the Military Uses of the Seabed /Ronald G. Purver

6. Canada at the Third Law of the Sea Conference: Strategy, Tactics,and Policy / Barry G. Buzan and Barbara Johnson

7. Canadian Maritime Enforcement Policies / Danford W.Midlemiss

8. An Overview of Canadian Ocean Policy / Barbara Johnson and MarkW. Zacher

Notes on Contributors


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