Chasing Shadows
216 pages, 6 x 9
11 halftones, 2 maps
Release Date:01 Sep 1999

Chasing Shadows

Apaches and Yaquis Along the United States-Mexico Border, 1876-1911

University of New Mexico Press

This book examines for the first time the military campaigns on both sides of the border against Apaches and other native peoples in the late nineteenth century. Mexico and the United States pursued similar objectives in their Indian policies. Railroad, mining, and agricultural interests grew at the expense of native peoples. Indian resistance in Mexico was often met with forced labor and relocation or extermination based upon scalp bounties. U.S. Indian policy in the Southwest dictated isolating native peoples on reservations. The social ills their policies created persist today in both nations.

Dr. Shelley B. Hatfield is a professional historian and specialist in the history of modern Mexico and the Southwest. She lives in Durango, Colorado.

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