Cities and Kings
176 pages, 9 1/4 x 11 3/4
210 illustrations
Release Date:31 Dec 2016
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Cities and Kings

Ancient Treasures from Myanmar

Asian Civilisations Museum

Treasures from the national museums of Myanmar, from the World Heritage Site at Pyu, the pagoda-studded plains of Bagan, and from Mandalay, the last royal capital, are examined in this profusely illustrated catalogue. Essays discuss the principle archaeological sites of Pyu, Mon, Bagan, Inwa, Shan State, and Mandalay. Catalogue entries illustrate and explain the 60 objects in the exhibition, held at the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, from 2 December 2016 to 5 March 2017.

Elizabeth Moore is Emeritus Professor of South East Asian Art and Archaeology, SOAS (London) and In-Region Liaison for the SOAS Alphawood Programme (SAAAP).

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