Crooked Past
163 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Jun 1991
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Crooked Past

The History of a Frontier Mining Camp

University of Alaska Press
The crookedest street in Fairbanks, an Alaskan sourdough once said, is rightly named for town founder E. T. Barnette. Crooked Past, Terrence Cole's lively history of Fairbanks examines one of Alaska's most notorious con men. Barnette, a footloose fortune hunter who had served time in an Oregon penitentiary, came north during the Klondike gold rush of 1897-1898. He struck it rich after founding the city of Fairbanks in the early 1900s. Yet less than ten years later he was run out of the territory and allegedly disappeared in Mexico, becoming the most hated man in the town he founded and fled.
Terrence Cole is a history professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the former editor of the AlaskaJournal. He earned a Ph.D. in American history at the University of Washington in 1983. He is the author of numerous works on Alaskan history, including Nome: City of the Golden Beaches (Alaska Geographic Society, 1984), and has written for American Heritage, Alaska Magazine, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Journal of the West,  and other publications.
1   The Curse of the Cleveland
2   The Lost Creek
3   The Captain and the Judge
4   The Strike
5   The Stampede
6   The Mayor of Fairbanks
7   The American Klondike
8   Ex-Convict
9   A White Horse and a Dark Night
     Selected Bibliography
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