Deep in Alaska
42 pages, 9 x 9
42 color plates
Release Date:15 Sep 2013
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Deep in Alaska

University of Alaska Press
On a wintry white day, a small boy and a red sled step out for an adventure. As they slip through the snowy woods, their imagined journey takes place against real black-and-white photos of Eagle River, Alaska. Told entirely in haiku, this gentle book evokes both joy and calm. The black, red, and white color scheme is perfect for very young children, but readers of all ages will find the lyrical tone and captivating pictures a delightful invitation to explore the forest again and again.
Christine Johnson’s prose is brief and unobtrusive, perfectly accompanying Gary Johnson’s photography, wherein the combination of snow and overcast skies all but washes out other surroundings, rendering the boy’s journey an adventure into the deep unknown. Alaska Dispatch
Christine Johnson is an award-winning essayist who is currently studying anthropology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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