Release Date:30 Nov 2008

Early Korea 1

Reconsidering Early Korean History through Archaeology

Pres & Fellows of Harvard College, Korea Institute, Harvard University

Early Korea is dedicated to developing the fields of early Korean history and archaeology in the English language. The present volume consists of six scholarly works by specialists active in these fields. Three studies focus on the topic of recent advances in historical archaeology on the Korean peninsula and adjacent regions and how this is changing the ways historians understand the history of the earliest states on the peninsula. Another study surveys the origins and development of ceramic traditions in Korea based on recently recovered archaeological data. Finally, two studies discuss the practice of heritage management in Korea, focusing on rescue archaeology and heritage protection.

130 color illus.

Mark E. Byington, founder and project director of the Early Korea Project at the Korea Institute, Harvard University, serves also as editor of Early Korea, an edited serial publication focused on early Korean history and archaeology. He is also the series editor for the Early Korea Project Occasional Series. His primary research interest centers on the formation and development of early Korean states, particularly Koguryŏ and Puyŏ.

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