Ecology and Management of the North American Moose, Second Edition
776 pages, 8 7/10 x 11 1/5
Release Date:30 Oct 2007
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Ecology and Management of the North American Moose, Second Edition

University Press of Colorado
Back in print as a University Press of Colorado edition, this abundantly illustrated volume with field sketch illustrations by William D. Berry fully explains moose biology and ecology and assesses the increasingly complex enterprise of managing moose. Twenty-one of the world's authorities on the species discuss its taxonomy, reproduction and growth, feeding habits, behavior, population dynamics, relationships with predators, incidental mortality, seasonal migration patterns, and habitat and harvest management.

Contributors include Warren B. Ballard, Arnold H. Boer, Anthony B. Bubenik, M. E. Buss, Kenneth N. Child, Vincent F.J. Crichton, Albert W. Franzmann, Kris J. Hundertmark, Patrick D. Karns, Murray W. Lankester, Richard E. McCabe, James M. Peek, Henry M. Reeves, Wayne L. Regelin, Lyle A. Renecker, William M. Samuel, Charles C. Schwartz, Robert W. Stewart, Ian D. Thompson, H. R. Timmermann, and Victor Van Ballenberghe. A Wildlife Management Institute book

This book should appeal to anyone interested in wildlife management in general and moose in particular. Even the casual reader can spend enjoyable hours browsing through the hundreds of interesting photographs and drawings. Certain to be the standard moose bible for years to come.'
Library Journal
I would highly recommend that anyone interested in moose, no matter how small his or her interest may be, should pick up a copy of this book and peruse it. I guarantee that you'll end up reading the entire book.'
—Charles J. Randall III, Western North American Naturalist
This massive book about the largest deer in the world is an impressive undertaking. . . . The editors' stated goals were that the book be readable and interesting, and they have succeeded with these expectations--it is fascinating.'
Booklist (starred review)  

'The best documented book on Alces alces. All aspects of its biology and ecology are discussed in a very comprehensive manner.'

Charles C. Schwartz is leader of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in Bozeman, Montana. Albert W. Franzmann, a retired wildlife research veterinarian, was director of International Wildlife Veterinary Service, Inc.
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