Empires and Autonomy
394 pages, 6 1/2 x 9
8 tables
Release Date:01 Jan 2010
Release Date:10 May 2009
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Release Date:01 Jan 2010

Empires and Autonomy

Moments in the History of Globalization

UBC Press

Globalization is one of the most significant developments of our time. But what distinguishes the present era from the Age of Empire that spanned the decades leading up to the First World War? Which elements of contemporary globalization and forms of autonomy are particularly novel and which are merely continuations of long-standing historical trends?

Empires and Autonomy brings together a distinguished group of scholars who focus on particular historical moments – incidents, innovations, movements, or rounds of negotiation – to explore these issues. Global encounters that involved the establishment or protection of autonomy in specific places inevitably involved friction, and the contributors examine the dialectic between globalization and autonomy as it played out st historical junctures that range from the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1720 to the meeting between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986 that led to the end of the Cold War. These tightly focused, interdisciplinary essays show that globalization has been anything but systematic or complete.

By examining these uniquely telling moments in the history of globalization and autonomy, this innovative collection provides novel insights into changes that are overtaking the contemporary world. It will be of interest to students and practitioners of globalization studies and international relations and political economy.

Stephen M. Streeter is an associate professor in the Department of History, McMaster University. John C. Weaver is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of History, McMaster University. William D. Coleman is CIGI Chair in Globalization and Public Policy at the Balsillie School of International Affairs and professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Waterloo.

Contributors: Virginia H. Aksan, Timothy Brook, Ravi de Costa, Yassine Essid, Daniel Gorman, Ulf Hedetoft, Adrian L. Jones, Ronald W. Pruessen, Samir Saul, Jeremy Stolow, and Neil White



1 Introduction / Stephen M. Streeter, John C. Weaver, and William D. Coleman

2 Tibet and the Chinese World-Empire / Timothy Brook

3 Litigating for Freedom in the British Empire, 1815-22: The Universal and Local in Tension / John C. Weaver

4 Ottoman Military and Social Transformations, 1826-28: Engagement and Resistance in a Moment of Global Imperialism / Virginia Aksani

5 Wired Religion: Spiritualism and Telegraphic Globalization in the Nineteenth Century / Jeremy Stolow

6 The Internationalization of Capital Then and Now: The Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries / Samir Saul

7 Global Industrial Enclaves: Company Towns and Export-Processing Zones Compared, 1900-2000 / Neil White

8 Freedom of the Ether or the Electromagnetic Commons? Globality, the Public Interest, and Multilateral Radio Negotiations in the 1920s / Daniel Gorman

9 A Globalization Moment: Franklin D. Roosevelt in Casablanca (January 1943) and the Decolonization/Development Impulse / Ronald W. Pruessen

10  Paradigm Shift and the Nuremberg Trials: The Emergence of the Individual as a Subject and Object of International Law / Adrian L. Jones

11 The US-Led Globalization Project in the Third World: The Struggle for Hearts and Minds in Guatemala and Vietnam in the 1960s / Stephen M. Streeter

12 A Globalizing Moment: The United Nations' Decades for Development and the North African Countries / Yassine Essid

13 Snakes That Are Rainbows: Indigenous Worldviews and the Constitution of Autonomy / Ravi De Costa

14 Globalization and US Empire: Moments in the Forging of the Global Turn / Ulf Hedetoft

Notes; Works Cited; Contributors; Index

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