160 pages, 6 x 9
Line drawings accompany text
Release Date:31 Dec 2013
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Favourite Māori Legends

By A.W. Reed; Translated by Ross Calman
Oratia Books

Māori myths and legends have an important role in transmitting and regenerating traditional knowledge. Yet as Ross Calman points out in his introduction to this new edition, they are also simply great yarns—reflective of a time when telling and listening to stories was a key leisure activity in Māori society.

<i>Favourite Māori Legends</i> is an invitation to enjoy over 30 of the most memorable legends, grouped into themes of the spirit world, patupaiarehe (ghosts), taniwha, supernatural creatures, heroes and deeds of daring. Concise yet complete, these gripping stories are enlivened by the timeless illustrations of Roger Hart.

A.W. Reed (1908–1979) was one of New Zealand’s most influential writers and publishers. He helped build A.H. & A.W. Reed into the country’s leading publisher, and authored more than 200 books. His works on Māori mythology have served New Zealanders for several generations

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