Fort St. Joseph Revealed
308 pages, 6 x 9
58 b/w illus, 10 tables
Release Date:02 Nov 2021
Release Date:20 Aug 2019
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Fort St. Joseph Revealed

The Historical Archaeology of a Fur Trading Post

University Press of Florida

Fort St. Joseph Revealed is the first synthesis of archaeological and documentary data on one of the most important French colonial outposts in the western Great Lakes region. Located in what is now Michigan, Fort St. Joseph was home to a flourishing fur trade society from the 1680s to 1781. The site—lost for centuries—was discovered in 1998 by volume editor Michael Nassaney and his colleagues, who summarize their extensive excavations at the fort and surrounding areas in these essays.

Michael S. Nassaney is professor emeritus of anthropology at Western Michigan University and principal investigator of the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project. He is the author of The Archaeology of the North American Fur Trade and coeditor of Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contributions to Ethnohistory.

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