88 pages, 4 1/4 x 7
Release Date:01 Dec 2015
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From Batavia to Jakarta in Poetry

The Lontar Foundation

Zeffry Alkatiri’s collection of poems is a romp through history in verse. These poems are flashes of past events that are unrolled to form a historical mosaic of Indonesia’s capital city. Starting with the Dutch turning Jacatra into Batavia, the poems paint a unique picture of the development Jakarta has undergone to date.

Zeffry Alkatiri (Author)

Zeffry Alkatiri was born in Jakarta in 1959 and raised in a multicultural (Arab-Betawi) family. He has a B.A. in Russian Studies, a M.A. in American Studies, and a PhD in History. He writes both fiction and non-fiction, focusing on the socio-cultural history of Jakarta. He is the recipient of several prestigious literary awards.

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