Geography's Inner Worlds
438 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:01 Jul 1992
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Geography's Inner Worlds

Pervasive Themes in Contemporary American Geography

Rutgers University Press

Twenty-six leading American geographers meditate on the themes that unify contemporary geography. They emphasize the concepts and methods that run through all geography's sub-disciplines and give it a distinctive place among both the natural and social sciences.

Prepared under the sponsorship of the American Association of Geographers for the International Geographical Congress 1992, these insightful essays on the character of the discipline and its future will be required reading for every student of the field.

 Ronald F. Abler is Executive Director of the Association of American Geographers and Professor of Geography, Pennsylvania State University
Contemporary American geography
Geography's worlds / C. Gregory Knight
Places and regions / Bonham C. Richardson
Representations of the world / David Woodward
Observation / Philip J. Gersmehl, Dwight A. Brown
Visualization / Alan M. MacEachren in collaboration with Barbara P. Buttenfield [and others]
Analysis / Michael F. Goodchild
Modeling / Cort J. Willmott, Gary L. Gaile
Communication / David A. Lanegran
Location, place, region, and space / Helen Couclelis
Movements, cycles, and systems / William L. Graf, Patricia Gober
The local-global continuum / William B. Meyer [and others]
Scale in space and time / John C. Hudson
Paradigms for inquiry? / John Pickles, Michael J. Watts
Humanism and science in geography / Melvin G. Marcus in collaboration with Judy M. Olson and Ronald F. Abler
Applications of geographic concepts and methods / Risa I. Palm, Anthony J. Brazel
The peopling of American geography / Donald G. Janelle
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