Globalization and the Circumpolar North
320 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:15 Jul 2010
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Globalization and the Circumpolar North

University of Alaska Press
The circumpolar north has long been the subject of conflicting national aspirations and border disputes, and with the end of the cold war and the coming era of potential resource scarcity, its importance will only grow over the next several decades. Anticipating that renewed prominence, Globalization and the Circumpolar North brings together an array of scholars to explore the effects of this increased attention, from the new opportunities offered by globalization to the potential damage to long-isolated northern communities and peoples.
[P]rovides a very balanced and well-nuanced approach toward the positive and negative impacts of the changes that the different streams of globalization have brought to the circumpolar north. . . .The book goes beyond the notion of ‘change’ and ‘globalization,’ but is truly a source of knowledge about the Arctic, its peoples and its histories.’  Polar Record

Lassi Heininen is a political scientist and senior scientist at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland. Chris Southcott is professor of sociology at Lakehead University on Thunder Bay, Ontario and associate researcher at the Northern Research Institute, Whitehorse, Yukon.


1  Globalization and the Circumpolar North: An Introduction
   Lassi Heininen and Chris Southcott

2  History of Globalization in the Circumpolar World
   Chris Southcott

3  Globalization and the Economies of the North
   Lee Huskey

4  Changing Forms of Governance in the North
   Jerry McBeath

5  Community Viability and Well-Being in the Circumpolar North
   Larisa Riabova

6  Epistemological Conflicts and Cooperation in the Circumpolar North
   Mark Nuttall

7  Globalization and Traditional Livelihoods
   Elina Helander-Renvall

8  Globalization and Security in the Circumpolar North
   Lassi Heininen

9  Circumpolar International Relations and Cooperation
   Lassi Heininen

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