266 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:02 Aug 2006
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West Virginia University Press, Vandalia Press

In Granada, a boy in a dress begs in the white alleys of the old town. A vulnerable runaway, he turns to an American painter who is living in the city for protection, Madeleine James. The boy also meets Madeleine's new friend, poet Cy Jacobs. Although the two adults mean to help the boy, they unwittingly expose him to more peril. Soon, all the characters in the story have been scraped on the touchstone of hard realities and made to show their mettle, be it base or gold. This novel, at times somber and at times flaring with intensity, calls up indelibly the difficulties of making a good life—or a good death—in a world in which we are all, in one way or another, going.

Going is a brilliant novel—a deft, contemplative thriller that probes five lives united by art, chance, and exile. The story’s great themes are erotic, artistic integrity, and death. Its genders are crossed or at war, its night streets and romances equally treacherous, its wit delightfully dark. Yet the engagements with art are profound. And the climax—a stunner—is suffused with justice and light.' David Jame Duncan, author The River Why and The Brothers K

Kevin Oderman, professor of English and creative writing at West Virginia University, is the author of the prize-winning collection of literary essays How Things Fit Together and a critical book on Ezra Pound, Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium. He has twice taught abroad as a Senior Fulbright Lecturer, first in Thessaloniki, Greece, and subsequently in Lahore, Pakistan. Going is his first novel.

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