He's My Mom!
Release Date:21 Jul 2021

He's My Mom!

A Story for Children Who Have a Transgender Parent or Relative

By Sarah Savage; Illustrated by Joules Garcia
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
My Mom's Name is David. He used to be a she but now he is a he! Last year he did this thing called transition. He took some medicine which made his voice deeper and he started wearing different clothes.

When Benjamin's uncle accidently misgenders his dad David, Benjamin explains why misgendering is hurtful and why we need to treat trans people with respect. Benjamin speaks with confidence about transitioning and gender identity, and helps to educate and empower others with trans relatives or friends.

This brightly illustrated book for children aged 3 - 7 will aid discussion with children about a loved one transitioning or about trans people in general. Featuring a child with a mom who has transitioned, this book passes on an important message about acceptance and respect, and covers pronouns, dysphoria, family diversity and misgendering.
Sarah Savage is a trans-rights campaigner and co-founder of Trans Pride Brighton. She is the co-author of Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl? and She's My Dad! and lives in Brighton with her family.

Joules Garcia is an illustrator, embroiderer and cat enthusiast based in New York. www.joulesgarcia.com
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