Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 1
Politics, Religion, Economy, and Society in Britain
Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Unparalleled in its range and erudition, McKeon’s far-reaching and boldly synthetic intellectual history challenges critical accounts that abstract the conceptual and methodological innovations of Enlightenment from the moment of their emergence. Essential reading for anyone interested in ongoing debates over the role of the Enlightenment in global modernity.
Michael McKeon has written a deeply learned history of the English Enlightenment which draws on both literary sources and philosophical and political texts. He finds a series of repeated patterns of thought as he takes us through considerations of tradition, civil and religious liberty, secularization, the economy, and modern systems of gender and sexuality. It is an exhilarating and challenging book.
Periodizing the Enlightenment
Understanding Enlightenment Thought
Enlightenment Separation and Conflation
Experimental Method
(Civil) Society
The Public Sphere
Capitalist and Enlightenment Universality
Conjectural History
1 Tradition as Tacit Knowledge
The Aesthetic
2 Civil and Religious Liberty: A Case Study in Secularization
Civil Society
The Empirical Criterion
The Sociology of Group Formation
Accommodating God’s Will: Thoughts, Speech, Actions
Defining Spheres of Discourse
The Three Negative Liberties
3 Virtual Reality
Polity and Economy
Capitalist Universality
False Consciousness and Uneven Development
The Commodity Form
The Trope of the Fetish
The Trope of the Invisible Hand
Conceptual Abstraction
Capitalist and Enlightenment Universality
Superstructure and Dialectics
Conjectural History
Polity and Society
The Public Sphere
The Two Publics
Experimental Science
Experience and Experiment
Instruments: Experimental versus Artful
Extending Experiment I: Political Philosophy
Extending Experiment II: Beyond Observables
The Imagination
4 Gender and Sex, Status and Class
From Patriarchalism to Modern Patriarchy
From Domestic Economy to Domestic Ideology
Separate Spheres?
Sex and Sex Consciousness
The Two-Sex Model?
The Three-Gender System: Conflation I
Gender as Culture: Conflation II
The Dialectic of Sexuality and Class
The Common Labor of Sexuality and Class
Sodomy and Aristocracy
Types of Masculinity
5 Biography, Fiction, Personal Identity
Biography, Fiction, and the Common
Biography, Fiction, and the Actual
Biography, Fiction, and the Virtual
The Self behind Self-Fashioning
From Secret History to Novel
The Rise of Personal Identity
6 Historical Method
Distance and Proximity
Historicizing Empiricism
Historical Method: Matching Particulars
and Generals
Dialectical Opposition I: History as Focalizations
of Perspective
Dialectical Opposition II: History as Moments
of Temporality
Dialectical Opposition III: History as Levels
of Structure
Source Notes